24 Fungsi dalam 1 Thermomix Buatkan Gadget Dapur ini Idaman Semua Wanita

24 Fungsi dalam 1 Thermomix  Buatkan Gadget Dapur ini Idaman Semua Wanita | Sebelum ini, tak terdetik pun nak beli Thermomix. Rasa dah cukup dah semua gadget di dapur yang ada. Lagi pun harga kayangan, sayang woo duit. Tak kurang juga ramai kata, dari beli Thermomix, baik beli emas. Lepas huda memiliki sendiri Thermomix dengan rezeki Allah, baru huda sedar… Kenapa semua orang patut miliki Thermomix ni. Emas yang beribu ringgit, sedikit pun tak mampu nak bantu kita masak, especially time tengah tak sihat. Emas memang perlaburan untuk masa depan, namun Thermomix adalah perlaburan untuk masa sekarang. Yes! Melabur untuk bantu kita laksanakan tugas memasak dari awal pagi sampai ke malam dengan lebih efektif dan efisyen.


24 Fungsi dalam 1 Thermomix  Buatkan Gadget Dapur ini Idaman Semua Wanita

Pengalaman huda sendiri pernah sakit urat, dan macam-macam lah penyakit ( termasuk penyakit malas..huhu) .  Memang nak masuk dapur, nak masak rasa berat sangat. Fikir nak kena prepare bahan dah makan masa, masak pula guna tenaga dan keringat. Lepas tu nak membasuh lagi perkakas. Haish, terus amik phone order GrabFood jer. Especially time tak sihat ni, memang asyik lah makanan delivery. Sedih kalau tak sedap. Sedih juga duit makin cepat susut, sebab sekali order berapa ringgit dah.

Tapi tu semua dulu… sejak ada thermomix TM6, walau tengah tak sihat , tetap boleh memasak. Sebab Thermomix yang glamour dengan nama jolokan “ Bibik German” ni bantu banyak sangat.  Kupaskan bawang dia boleh buat, menumis pun dia buat tanpa risau hangit ke bawang. Nak masak sambal duduk pun boleh sangat.  

Huda nak kongsi 24 fungsi dalam 1 yang thermomix TM6 ni boleh buat.. nak tahu baca lah sampai habis yer..

1)      Weight Scale 

Measure with precision using the TM6’s scale, accurate to 1 gram. Ideal for baking, cooking and preparation with precise amounts.

2) Thicken

The TM6 automatically adjusts cooking time based on ingredients and temperature to cook dishes such as sauces, custards, and cream perfectly.

3) Rice Cooker

Cook different rice and grains perfectly! Place the grain of your choice along with water and seasoning into the mixing bowl, and the TM6 automatically controls the temperature and cooking time.

4) Cooking

With 20 functions and counting, the Thermomix takes over the process for you, both in preparation and cooking. Baking and cooking is hassle-free, clean, and easy.

5) Grating and Milling

Ingredients such as nuts, cheese, vegetables and grains can be easily milled in seconds with the TM6. With just the blade speed and time, you have full control on the consistency of the finished product.

6) Sugar Stages

Through Guided Cooking, the TM6’s Sugar Stages function can make caramel, honeycomb and lollipops to your liking.

7) Caramelising

The TM6 allows you to caramelise ingredients at high heats of up to 160 degrees, such as caramelised onions and sugar through guided cooking.

8) Steaming

With the Varoma, gently cook food while preserving more of its flavour and nutrients.

9) Precise Heating

You can choose temperatures anywhere from 37 degrees to 160 degrees (with guided recipes), allowing you to be in control of your cooking.

10) Kneading

Rotating in clockwise and anticlockwise directions, the special, incorporated interval mode imitates the movements of professional kneading, delivering a perfect consistency every time.

11) Mincing

The TM6’s powerful motor easily crush ice, minces meat, vegetables and other ingredients in seconds.

12 ) Mixing and Emulsifying

Create perfect mayonnaise and hollandaise sauces using the mixing function. The lid controls oils and liquids dripping into the mix, and precise heating allows you to recreate the perfect sauce every time.

13 ) Chopping

Perfectly chop meat, herbs, vegetables and much more to your liking in seconds. Just adjusting the speed and chopping time allows you to control how coarsely or finely ingredients are chopped.

14 ) Kettle

Heat water to 37–100°C for making tea, preparing baby bottles or cooking pasta.

15) Enhanced Pre Clean

Cleaning up is a breeze. Achieve better cleaning results by one of the pre-clean options – Dough, Universal, Fat and caramel, or Browning.

16) Sous Vide

Become an expert at sous vide meats and fish! With precision timing and temperature, delicate ingredients come out evenly cooked, succulent and juicy every time.

17 ) High Temperature

You can achieve up to 160 degrees with the TM6 for cooking that requires high temperatures. Guided cooking on Cookidoo® ensures that cooking with these temperatures ensures perfect and safe results every time.
18 ) Stirring

The stirring function and the added reverse function allows the TM6 to gently stir delicate food both clockwise and anti-clockwise, so that you don’t have to.

19 ) Fermentation

Used for making homemade yoghurts, the accurate and constant temperature creates the perfect environment for bacterial growth. Also suitable for assisting the proving of doughs, leave mixtures to ferment for 12 hours at temperatures between 37-85 °C.

20) Whipping

With the Butterfly whisk, you can produce both sweet and savoury magic in a matter of seconds. Lightly churn butter whip up egg whites for meringues, easily and effortlessly.

21) Slow Cooking

Gently cook up to 12 hours at a lower temperature, worry-free.

22) Blending

Achieve perfect consistency with puree, soups and smoothies with the blending function.

23) Egg

Pick your desired setting for eggs prepared exactly the way you want them – whether well-cooked with a gooey center, soft or hard-boiled.

24 ) Warm Up

Perfectly heat or reheat liquid or creamy foods evenly at the required temperature without boiling over or food falling apart.

Itu baru senarai fungsi. Nak cerita pasal resepi yang available dalam Cookidoo ( Preset Guided Cooking) berpuluh ribu. Unlimited idea nak masak apa untuk family tercinta.

Apa fungsi favourite huda?

Semestinya kneading iaitu menguli. Huda mula-mula dapat thermomix, buat doh pizza. Fuh uli 2 minit jer! Lepas tu buat roti ala-ala Gardenia tu, 3 minit jer uli. Korang rasa berbaloi giler tak ada seketul thermomix ni kat rumah? Sejak ada thermomix, huda dah tak beli roti kat kedai. Semua homemade. Hazelnut Choc spread ala-ala Nutella tu pun huda buat sendiri. Banyak sebenarnya perkara huda suka tentang Thermomix dan banyak lagi fungsi tak teroka. Seronok dapat buat macam-macam from scratch yang bebas gula , garam berlebihan dan juga bahan pengawet. Pendek kata, memang healthy lifestyle lah lepas ada Thermomix ni..

Huda tak tahu nak cakap macamana, namun yang pasti setiap ringgit yang di laburkan untuk Thermomix teramat berbaloi. Terima kasih tak terhingga suami belanja Thermomix ni untuk huda sediakan menu untuk keluarga. Setiap kali masuk dapur rasa happy dan seronok tengok Thermomix bertenggek di atas kitchen cabinet dan sedia untuk berkhidmat. 

Huda selalu juga, masak sambil mandi! Kalau dulu lenguh kaki berdiri lama memasak. Sekarang masak dengan duduk, masak tinggal jer bibik German kacau-kacau sampai siap. Dah siap nanti dia stop la sendiri. Huda boleh rileks jer mandi lama-lama dalam bilik air. Serius tau, time mandi tu tersenyum jer. Sebab lepas mandi makanan dah siap masak! Heaven sangat-sangat!

Teringin nak milik Thermomix ?

Khas untuk para suami, kalau ada rezeki lebih belanja lah isteri Thermomix satu. Ringankan tugasan di dapur. Bahagiakan isteri lagi murah rezeki tau. Si isteri, kalau teringin tu, bisik lah pada suami. InshaAllah Allah mudahkan dan gadget impian semua wanita ni bakal menjadi milik anda.

 Percaya dan doa kemudian berusaha milikinya serendah RM9 sahaja sehari!


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Antara gajet masakan yang pernah viral ni
Huda Halid said…
aah, viral sebab best giler