Grand Opening SuperPark Malaysia - The Friendliest All in One Indoor Park
Pada minggu lepas, huda hadiri majlis Grand Opening Super Park Malaysia yang di rasmikan oleh Mr Juha Tanskanen , Global CEO of SuperPark dan juga Mr Mark Kumarasinhe, Asia CEO of SuperPark.
" Our goal is to share the sheer joy of movement and play with people of all ages and fitness level. To do this we've created the friendliest activity park in the world, a place of health and happiness where everyone is welcomed like a old friend. Malaysia will fall in love with the 'Superparking Lifestyle' of joyful play, friendship and better health." - Mr Juha Tanskanen , Global CEO of SuperPark
" We know how important family, friendship and leisure to people in Malaysia. What is great about the " Superparking Lifestyle" is that everyone can join in and have quality bonding time through light or extreme sports activities. At SuperPark Malaysia, children, teenagers, parent and even grandparents can all play, be active and have fun together. " - Mr. Mark Kumarasinhe, Asia CEO of SuperPark.
5 Fakta Menarik tentang SuperPark Malaysia
#1 - SuperPark pertama di buka adalah di Voukatti, Finland pada tahun 2012. Malaysia merupakan antara negara yang terpilih dalam international expansion wave termasuk Sweden, France, Hong Kong dan China. SuperPark merancang untuk menubuhkan 100 Superpark pada tahun 2020.
#2 - Keluasan SuperPark Malaysia adalah 40,000 kaki per segi yang terletak di aras 4 Avenue K Shopping Mall, Kuala Lumpur. Di sini juga terdapat 6 party rooms ideal untuk team-building, birthday parties dan apa jua majlis keraian bersama rakan-rakan dan keluarga.
#3 - Eksklusif di Malaysia, skate rink buatan berkeluasan 2500 kaki per segi yang diperbuat daripada 100% recyclable , non toxic synthethic ice yang berkualiti dan environmentally certified ( TŰV SIO 9001 & 14001) .
* Kelebihan ais sintetik ini ianya tidak berair jadi ianya selamat untuk berjalan tanpa perlu risau akan tergelincir!
#4 - SuperPark Malaysia menawarkan lebih 20 jenis permainan dengan 3 tema yang berbeza
i) The Adventure Area
- iWall, Flying Fox, Tube Slide, Kids Gym, Kid's Adventure City, Pedal Car Track etc...
ii) The Game Arena
- Baseball, Street BasketBall, RoboKeeper etc...
iii) The Freestyle Hall
- SuperClimb, NinjaTrack, Skate and Scoot World, Trampoline Platform, Augmented Climbing Wall, Skate Rink, etc...
- SuperClimb, NinjaTrack, Skate and Scoot World, Trampoline Platform, Augmented Climbing Wall, Skate Rink, etc...
#5 - Harga tiket masuk serendah RM30 , termasuk locker simpan barang dan rental equipments ( helmet, skateboards, scooters, safety pads, baseball bats etc... )
Harga SuperPark Malaysia
All Day : RM50
Evening ( 6-9 PM) : RM 30
Evening ( 6-9 PM) : RM 30
All Day : RM70
Morning ( 9 - 1 PM) / Evening ( 6-9 PM) : RM 45
Morning ( 9 - 1 PM) / Evening ( 6-9 PM) : RM 45
Middle : ( 1.30 PM - 5.30 PM) : RM55
*stokin boleh dibeli dengan harga RM 5
Jom bawa family dan kawan-kawan terjah SuperPark Malaysia! Konfem korang puas hati!
Jom bawa family dan kawan-kawan terjah SuperPark Malaysia! Konfem korang puas hati!
Untuk maklumat lanjut layari
Follow media sosial SuperPark di facebook @SuperParkMY dan instagram @superparkmy
Follow media sosial SuperPark di facebook @SuperParkMY dan instagram @superparkmy
P/s : Planning tahun depan nak bawa The Arifs repeat main sini lagi. Tak puas main hari tu.
How to deal with markets ups and downs?
Rasa macam nak je pergi sana..
Nak je join main sesama. 😄