2) Fresh start*
Start every morning with bowl of oatmeal.the whole grains in your bowl help prevent heart disease.
3) Downsize meal portions.*
Overeating leads to obesity and diabetes, which can shorten your lifespan. An overstuffed plate has also been linked to memory loss in people 70 and older.
4) Smile is a habit
"The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness.The feel good neurotransmitters dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are all released when a smile flashes across your face as well . This not only relaxes your body, but it can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. The endorphins also act as a natural pain reliever - 100% organically and without the potential negative side effects of synthetic concoctions
Finally, the serotonin release brought on by your smile serves as an anti-depressant/mood lifter" - Psycology Today
5) Positive Thinking
There is always two sides of coin right? It is always our choice how to react whenever something happen. I always choose the positive view. I really hate negative thinking which lead to stress, consequently accelerating facial aging..owh BIG NO!! Always remind myself, there is no room for negative thought, NEVER!!
" What is LIFE?
They say its from B to D. From birth to death. But what is between B and D?
Its a "C" - Choice.
Our life is a matter of choices. Live Well and it will never go wrong!
I wish no matter how fast time flies, and we can resist aging process occur everyday, but all of us enjoy our life journey and stay happy and healthy.
*credit to : WebMed.Com