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For english section for this week , i want to reveal the BIGGEST Benefit of Green Tea!
Before i discuss further, let we see how Green Tea is made and how it differ to other type of teas.
"Green tea is not processed much before it's poured in your cup, so it's rich in catechins.
Catechins are antioxidants that fight and may even prevent cell damage. "
John Weisburger, PhD, senior researcher at the Institute for Cancer Prevention in Valhalla, N.Y., the first American researcher to show that tea modifies the metabolism to detoxify harmful chemicals.
Our body really need antioxidants since we are exposed to free radicals and we need antioxidants to slow down aging process ( our body undergo aging process everyday since we are born!)
Green tea is always be my best friend because green tea may help boost metabolism to aid weight loss.

Did you know?
People who drank 3 or 4 cups of green tea daily burned an additional 80 calories per day!!
Moreover , a natural chemical called theanine found in green tea can provide a calming effect.
IMPORTANT TIPS before you drink Green Tea!
- Don't add green tea to boiling water. It's bad for catechins, those healthy chemicals, in the tea. Better: 160-170 degree water.
- Add lemon. Vitamin C makes the catechins a easier to absorb. Dairy, on the other hand, makes it harder to absorb them.
- Nutrient levels in green tea can vary. Pricier teas usually have more, and canned green-tea drinks generally have less.
RECOMMENDATION : Experts recommend drinking six to 10 cups of black or green tea throughout the day, starting with breakfast.
credit : and Book : Positive Ageless by Cheryl Forbers, RD
Stay healthy everyone. Start your healthy step today!